Saturday, July 23, 2011

Preparing for Otakon 18

It's a week to Otakon and I have already started packing my gear. This will be my second Otakon. I plan on bringing three cameras. my dad's old 35mm SLR Canon with a 3 pack of Lomography negative film, a 1968 Polaroid Land camera with 3 packs of fuji color film, two disposable cameras, and my main Nikon D-300s with all my lenses.

I feel I have grown photographically since last year. If you look at my Flickr set of last year I didn't get many usable frames, I expect to change that. I feel now I am less nervous to talk to people and I have already messaged several top notch cosplayers and they have agreed to let me photograph them and I look forward to meeting new cosplayers.

My attack plan is to hang out at the convention for as long as I can out side and in the well lit spaces of the convention center. I won't carry all cameras all the time, but I will at least have my Nikon on me at all times.

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