Thursday, October 17, 2013

Heros of Cosplay

I don't know how I feel about sci-fi's (thats how it should be spelled you copyrighting assholes) new show. I don't really understand the cosplayers problems because I am a photographer.

Its not like a game show like that other costume show. "Heros of Cosplay" consists of 9 cosplayers that are always in a rush to finish costumes in time for the specific convention that episode. Much of the show is over dramatized; The cosplayers are always saying how if there project isn't done well and on time their fans on the internet will leave or hate them.

I think that someone whom hasn't heard of cosplay before or hasn't been to a convention will think that most costumes are actually good. How I wish that was true.

Sometimes during the show you feel ashamed to be a geek. The people take cosplay way too seriously and have terrible priorities.

Somethings are true however, like everyone kind of knows each other in the community. I know lots of cosplayers I see at almost every con I go to. Its like "oh theres that girl" and "that's the guy who always does halo armor," stuff like that.

That Yaya character has a nice rack.

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